This paper traces the construction of self "itself" of the existing being and bring forth the profound pre-existing universal human nature through more plausible and recognized theories of selfhood. The following scrutiny further aims to draw attention towards the notion; that the text validates ‘hermeneutic of suspicion’, by illicitly discussing the concept of self in various silhouettes of Urim's individual being of a self. Thus, the current analysis is keeping up with the theoretical formulation of Martin Heidegger and some other theorists which will interpret and explain concept of selfhood in the text, The Triple Mirror of the Self, by Zulfikar Ghose. Consequently, Heidegger's being raptures through the magnum opus artifice of many “beings" who Urim meets upon the journey to India, South America and England, in defiance of the old rules of existential philosophy. He believes an individual can make sense of the things based on his experience, which forms an arbitrary alliance between Being and Time. Thus, Zulfikar Ghose conjure up the idea of being by raising a question of Dasein, “being there", through sheer portrayal of his character Urim in the novel, The Triple Mirror of the Self.
Dr. Amna Saeed
- Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, COMSATS, Islamabad, Pakistan
Ramsha Malik
- Research Scholar, Department of Humanities, COMSATS, Islamabad, Pakistan
Nafeesa Naz
- Research Scholar, Department of Humanities, COMSATS, Islamabad, Pakistan
Contemporary Liberalism, Dasein, Martin Heidegger, Mis-Interpretion of Reality (Méconnaissance), Moment of Vision (Augenblick), Selfhood
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