  • Quarterly Published
  • Recognition by Govt of Pakistan (HEC).
  • The manuscript may be submitted electronically by 31st of January for Issue-I (January-to-March), 30th April for Issue II (April-to-June),
  • 31st July for issue III (July-to-September) and 31st of October for Issue-IV (October-to-December)
  • Only through proper channel submitted articles via Open Journal System (OJS) will be entertained.


Volume & Issue : Volume 5, Issue 1 (June,2021) Paper No 2.2
Title : “Digitalization of Conflicts: An Analysis of Social Media Coverage of Palestine-Israel Conflict by Traditional News Organizations”
Link to Article : Open
Reason : This paper is deleted due to clash of interest among the authors, all authors are black listed.

Volume & Issue : Volume 5, Issue 1 (June,2021) Paper No 2.1
Title : “Climate Change as a Global Threat and the Geo-Politics: Implications for China-US”
Link to Article : Open
Reason : This paper is deleted due to clash of interest among the authors, all authors are black listed.

Inconvenience regretted